
We believe it is possible to provide high-quality enterprise software using the latest technologies, hosted in a fast and secure environment without it costing a fortune. Pricing of the app is based on the size of population of each local authority, starting from the smallest district councils up to the largest unitaries. Please contact us for a quote for a specific local authority.

Our mission

We think that a lot of enterprise software aimed at local authorities is expensive, outdated, has a poor user interface and is a headache to maintain. We want to change all that and the Cloud 9 Citizen Mobile app is proof that it doesn't have to be that way!


The Citizen Mobile app is provided as software-as-a-service. This means we can take care of all elements of hosting and maintaining the application, reducing the burden on local authorities and their IT teams. The app can be fully integrated to back-office systems to realise all the benefits without the maintenance issues.